Saturday, January 10, 2009

Old Post #1

Why do I only write in here when something terrible has happened? Why can’t I write when something is going right, for once? I don’t write when I ace my midterm or when the cute guy who sits in front of me in philosophy class finally asks me out. No, I only write when something catastrophic happens, when my cat dies or I get hit by a car or something of that nature. Why is this? A diary is meant to keep a log of memories that we want to remember. Is this really how I want to remember my life? Never mind, I already know the answer. It’s because that’s the only time my life is interesting. Who wants to read about a perfectly normal day when you could read about one filled with drama and excitement? It’s human nature to dwell on the bad rather than the perfectly mundane. What morbid creatures we all are.

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